
The World is in Need of Alpha Men: An Urgent Call for Mentorship

As part of their 107th anniversary convention, members of Alpha Phi Alpha from around the world conducted a community service project called the “Leadership Development Institute” (LDI). This service project paired youth from the Austin metropolitan area with fraternity members who worked with them on developing leadership skills, team building, and how good leadership yields success from the classroom to the boardroom. While we continue to be outraged over the verdict in the Trayvon...

Keeping ahead of COVID-19

This rapidly evolving corona virus (COVID-19) has imposed an upsetting, fluid situation upon our fraternity, region, chapters, families, communities, business and the world. While the leaders of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. and the Eastern Region aim to maintain a “business as usual” approach, we urge you to protect yourself and your love ones by practicing social distancing. #StayHome