Latest Past Events

Delta Lambda 4th Annual Fall Concert featuring the Community Concert Choir

United House of Prayer for All People 3401 Edgewood Rd @ Liberty Heights Av, Baltimore

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Delta Lambda Chapter presents the Annual Fall Concert The Light of the World featuring the COMMUNITY CONCERT CHOIR OF BALTIMORE Dr. Marco K. Merrick, Founding Director Dr. W. Patrick Alston – organist  Mr. Jimothy Rogers – accompanist  Mr. Jocque Brown - percussion Sunday, November 3, 2013 • 4:00 p.m. The United House of Prayer for All People 3401 Edgewood Rd @ Liberty Heights Av • Baltimore, MD 21217 Apostle H. L. Griner, Pastor Fellowship reception to follow concert For further information or to make contributions, please call: (410) 233-5032 or Bro. Rev. Tim McFadden, Concert Co-Chair Bro. R. Anthony Mills, Concert Co-Chair Bro. Steven D. King, President, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity – Delta Lambda Chapter Mrs. Marian Gayle, Choir President Mr. Gregory Allen, Auxiliary Chair This concert is free and open to the public. Proceeds from a freewill offering will benefit Educational Activities Programs of Alpha Phi Alpha (Delta Lambda Chapter) for youth in Baltimore Area Schools

Keeping ahead of COVID-19

This rapidly evolving corona virus (COVID-19) has imposed an upsetting, fluid situation upon our fraternity, region, chapters, families, communities, business and the world. While the leaders of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. and the Eastern Region aim to maintain a “business as usual” approach, we urge you to protect yourself and your love ones by practicing social distancing. #StayHome