Greetings Brothers of the Eastern Region,
In accordance with Article III, Section 2.3 of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity — Constitution, the leadership of the Eastern Region is pleased to present the official Convention Call for the 88th Anniversary Eastern Region Convention of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated to be held April 2nd – April 5th, 2020, in the country of Bermuda.
This year our convention theme is An Inescapable Responsibility to Shape the Future of the World — A Global Platform! The purpose of this theme is us arming the Region, Districts, Areas, Chapters and Members with training that will strengthen our engagement in the communities we serve and ourselves. As you will see from the attached schedule, we want to address real issues while providing training to increase our political, economic and global standing of Alpha while purposely addressing The Urgency of Now.
Each workshop will focus on a specific group of brothers with the purpose of raising their ALPHAIQ! As usual, this year the regional convention will have specific educational tracks that brothers will attend which focus on their core skill sets or desires.
We also plan to Rebrand, Rebuild and Redefine Alpha the brotherhood through our trainings as well. We want to engage Brothers in bringing The Alpha Evolution to fruition. We are asking Brothers, when you register, to indicate your major and/or profession as on the Friday of the Convention we will have a focused conversation among brothers about career development and empowering our college and alumni brothers in their professional journeys.
Brothers we look forward to seeing all of you at the 2020 Regional Convention as the Brothers of Epsilon Theta Lambda & IAAC work tirelessly to provide you the greatest convention experience possible.
We look forward to when Brothers will once again “enter, shake hands, exchange greetings and depart friends” in our beloved House of Alpha!
Lucien J. Metellus
Eastern Regional Vice President
Harold Daniels, III
Eastern Regional Assistant Vice President
This rapidly evolving corona virus (COVID-19) has imposed an upsetting, fluid situation upon our fraternity, region, chapters, families, communities, business and the world. While the leaders of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. and the Eastern Region aim to maintain a “business as usual” approach, we urge you to protect yourself and your love ones by practicing social distancing. #StayHome