Divine Nine Vote 2018
Our Fraternity is collaborating with the National Urban League, the NAACP as well as our brothers and sisters of the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), affectionately referred to as the “Divine Nine,” in multiple efforts and campaigns to ensure our communities voter turnout reshapes the future socio-political climate in this nation.
U.S. Congressman James (Jim) Clyburn, D-SC, is asking that members of the Divine Nine assist in raising awareness to increase African American voter turnout across the country through the following ways:
- Vote early so that you can assist and engage on Election Day.
- Encourage and assist the elderly or relatives and friends, who may require assistance to vote early or take them to vote absentee in person.
- Join chapter members in your D-9 paraphernalia to canvass on election day.
- Post and share The Divine Nine Week of Action graphic on social media and post in your neighborhoods, places of worship and campuses.
- Volunteer to assist with Get Out the Vote efforts in your state, county, or municipality on Election Day.
As a resource, please visit the following link for an early voting calendar for your state to ensure the effectiveness of your efforts.
Lastly, the Fraternity is asking that you use the hashtags #Firstofallwevote and #Getoutthevote when sharing your various voter engagement efforts on social media so that we can track and repost to our official social media platforms.