The Little Things, The Simple Things, The Basic Things
Bro. Kirk D. Carrington II – Eastern Region Reclamation & Retention Chairman
So often within the organization, brothers on all levels forget to be mindful of doing the little things, the simple things, the basic things; however, we wonder why transcendent steps are not made in the grand scheme of things. The answer is simple, we have NOT done the little things, the simple things, the basic things that secure the foundation of support for the larger mission.
Frequently, we do trainings on “IMDP” and conversations regarding “hazing,” yet we forget to encourage Brothers to update their addresses, reach out to a brother with a phone call, respond to an email, check on a brother who hasn’t been seen or heard from in a while, congratulate a brother on a recent accomplishment. Consequently, bonds within the organization suffer, brothers become incapable of holding simple conversations and the importance of the Fraternal Bond begins to wane in the minds and hearts of those who are tasked with upholding it.
Every great monument is the sum total of the small parts used to build it. The greatest monuments were carefully constructed with attention to detail, and care of the little things, the simple things, the basic things.
How can we expect to make transcendent steps when we do not take care to do the little things, the simple things, the basic things?
Brother; what little thing, simple thing, basic thing have you forgotten to do? Is your phone number correct in the database? Is your address up-to-date with the fraternity? Did you call that brother back?
Did you respond to your email? What little things, simple things, basic things have you put to the side?
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