First of All We Vote – Brothers Campaigning for Public Office in Maryland
Given the climate of politics and how it impacts our children, families and communities, thought it important to send this note as voters in Maryland prepare to pull the lever during today’s statewide primary election.
If you’ve not already participated in early voting, today’s decision is one of the utmost importance. It is because of moments like today our beloved organization implemented the “A Voteless People is a Hopeless People” campaign.
As the men who serve as the gatekeepers for our community, it is imperative we seize this opportunity and vote our values. For members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity this is anything which positively advances our efforts “to provide service and advocacy to our community.” Naturally, we believe this is best accomplished when there are individuals in publicly elected offices who best represent the aims and tenets of our dear fraternity.
Considering such, this note is to ask for your support to ensure the host of Brothers (i.e., members of this august body) seeking public office in the State of Maryland are successful. Brothers making such an effort:
- Del. Keith E. Haynes (ΗΟ – Eta Omicron, ’82), MD 40th Legislative District
- Del. Alonzo T. Washington (ΙΖ – Iota Zeta, ’06), MD 22nd Legislative District
- Marques Dent (BO – Beta Omicron, ’05), Candidate for MD 45th Legislative District
- William Jawando (ΠΥΛ – Pi Upsilon Lambda, ’06), Candidate for MD 20th Legislative District
- Marco Merrick (ΔΛ – Delta Lambda, ’91), Candidate for Register of Wills (Baltimore, MD)
- Charles Sydnor (ΔΛ – Delta Lambda, ’96), Candidate for MD 44B Legislative District
In a perfect world our communities would be able to depend on those elected to office to represent their best interest. However, when we look at the state of most of our communities, we know there are quite a few who have forgotten why they were elected “by the people” in the first place…let’s ensure our communities receive the representation that has been influenced to best serve their interests.
Fraternal Regards.