Eastern Region Reclamation and Retention A.L.P.H.A. as a Way of Life

As we move Alpha Forward I would encourage you to join me as we work to Reclaim and Retain our Brothers. Please help to ensure that the fire for our “Dear A-Phi-A” continues to burn bright in those who diligently toil to “Hold High the Name” , while reigniting and stoking the flame in the hearts of those who have become disenfranchised from the Fraternity. With this in mind I am requesting that each Brother, Chapter, Area, and District within the First Region of Alpha participate in the “A.L.P.H.A. as a way of Life” campaign under the Alpha Forward Platform.
The “A.L.P.H.A. as a way of Life” Reclamation and Retention Campaign is the Eastern Regions model for accomplishing the National (Global) Reclamation and Retention Platform requirements. In an effort to ensure that we transcend the 10% requirement for the Region the following concepts are to be implemented:
Align(ment) – Be sure to “Align” all of your Chapter’s programming efforts and activities with the core values of the Fraternity. (Mission Statement, Objective, Aims, & Motto). By doing so you ensure that each activity has a purpose infused with the true spirit of the Fraternity. (Example)
- Develop Leaders (Internally and externally)
- Encourage Brothers to attend District and Regional trainings & Certification
- Do brief historical moments during Chapter meeting/at home personal review of the History Book or other Alpha Historical Documents.
- Review Alpha Constitution, Rules and Regulations and other manuals regularly with Chapter leadership and Brothers
- Promote Brotherhood
- Ensure chapter programing targets each age demographic
- Host Free Events
- Host Social Events
- Academic Excellence
- Develop Scholarship Funds for Alumni and College Brothers
- Develop Scholarship Fund or Tutoring Program for local youth and schools
- Provide Service and Advocacy
- Execute the Nat’l (Global) Programs of the Fraternity
- Participate in programming don in conjunction with our Nat’l (Global) Partners
Live (Life) – Be sure to develop programming that incorporates and considers the lives of the Brothers within the Chapter and in the surrounding area. (Example)
- Develop service programs or activities that involve the Family (host a Little League Team, Father Daughter Dance, Financial Wellness Seminars, etc. Valentine’s day activity)
- Appointment Brothers to committees that utilize their professional skill sets, this making it easier for them to assist and contribute in a viable manner.
- Identify the interest of the Brothers in your Chapters and allow them to try new ideas based on those interest.
Partner(ship) – work with organizations or entities that Brothers are already heavily involved; this provides you with resources and reduces the need to tax the Brothers as frequently. It also enlarges the visibility the Organization within the area. (Example)
- Community Day with Brothers who have Churches
- Brothers in Medicine – Health Fairs
- College and Alumni Chapters – Execute Nat’l (Global) Programs together
- Networking events for Brothers who have businesses
Hospitality – please be sure that at all times goodwill is the monarch of this house (your chapter), where men unacquainted, can enter, can shake hands, can exchange greetings and depart friends. Keep Cordiality at the forefront so that it exists among all who abide within.
- Hold Brotherhood Lunches at work – nothing fancy just eat with a Brother when possible.
- Watch Sunday Football or whatever sport with each other at home or at a sport bar.
- Happy Hours when possible
- Traveling Brothers notify the Local Chapters/Brothers when you will be in the area. Local Chapters/Brothers attempt to be hospitable and meet the Brother and shake his hand at a minimum.
Advertise – If you are there so should proper representation of Alpha and promotion of Chapter activities
- In office spaces, cubicles or desk area some piece of Nalia (Picture of jewels) should be present; there may be another Brother at your Job who you are unaware of and he is unaware of you.
- Post, email blast, Instagram, smoke signal, etc..etc.etc..Alpha Ecents and activities as much as possible and whenever possible. Place information on company bulletin boards if possible. Promote Alpha like you are in College if you are an Alumni Brother. If you are a College Brother promote your Chapter activities to the Alumni Brothers to increase support.
Needless to say there is a direct correlation between our Membership Retention and living up to the principles and ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Furthermore, each Brother must do a self-examination and recognize that Alpha Phi Alpha is like a bank, if you put nothing into it, you definitely will get nothing out of it. Our organization and the state that it is in is a direct representation of the men in it.