Leadership Development Institute
For over a century, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated has been the hallmark of leadership development; providing our nation and the world with leaders whose talents have contributed immeasurable value to humanity and civilization. Martin Luther King Jr., Thurgood Marshall, Marc Morial, David Dinkins, and Charles Rangel are just a very few of the noteworthy leaders that are a part of the Alpha Phi Alpha legacy.
The Leadership Development Institute (LDI) was chartered in the Eastern Region of the fraternity in 1983. Geographically, the Eastern Region includes the eastern seaborne; from Maine to Virginia,as well as chapters in Bermuda, Germany, South Africa, and Liberia. This year, in partnership with the E TL Education Foundation , LDI will be held three times, once in the spring at the site of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Eastern Region Convention, and again during the summer in the Washington DC/Baltimore area, and in New York City. Additionally, LDI programming is held throughout all regions of the fraternity and thus has a national impact. Over the years the program has served thousands of
young men by providing interactive leadership workshops, cultural and recreational activities, real leadership opportunities, education enhancements, and college awareness.
Young men who possess and have demonstrated leadership skills are identified by chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and other civic/community organizations. The organizations then sponsor these young men’s participation in LDI. For four days, under the tutelage of recognized community leaders, these young men participate in important leadership development activities. During the Institute the student participants (known as Ambassadors) begin the training and grooming to assume the roles of leaders and productive citizens throughout their communities. Most importantly they join a network of support that is available to assist them in reaching their goals and aspirations.
This website is designed to provide you specific information about LDI programming. It serves as the portal for Ambassador sponsorship and additional information. Each page contains a conspicuous Contact Us link. At anytime that you have a specific question, feel free to click on the link and send us your inquiry. We will respond to you in a prompt manner.
To participate in:
- LDI North to be held at Long Island University, July 25 – 28, 2013, contact Steven Skinner (ProfessorSteve [at] prodigy.net)
- LDI South to be held at Morgan State University, July 11 – 14, 2013, contact James E. Thomas, Jr (JET1906 [at] yahoo.com)