Bro. R. Anthony Mills (ERVP-Elect) Solicits Brothers to Serve AlphaEast
Brothers of AlphaEast:
We have come a long way…from a campaign that began over a year ago, through one of the closest run-off elections in our region’s history. As we now embark upon the next leg of the journey to ensure AlphaEast remains “First of All: Leading the Way,” with the ideals embedded in a “Broader Bond of Brotherhood,” I ask you join us in creating a talented, diverse and well equipped administration to take on the new challenges of Alpha’s next one hundred years and lead us “Forward” with courage, compassion, and critical analysis unique to Alpha Phi Alpha, Fraternity, Inc.
Brothers, as we move Alpha Forward, you are needed. This letter is the official announcement regarding opportunities to serve on the regional staff, as committee chairs and committee members. Our transition team and leadership have embarked on an effort to create a unique regional structure to afford AlphaEast the capacity to work effectively in leading Alpha Forward.
There are over 100 open positions, including numerous positions specifically allocated for College Brothers (i.e. those listed with the designation of ASSISTANT)! Of particular importance, during the selection process we will identify Brothers who are well equipped for a position based upon their personal and professional experiences. The primary requirement is Brothers must be “in good standing” – i.e., active and financial with an affiliated local chapter within the Eastern Region and the General Organization – in order to be eligible for a regional position. Brothers residing in the Eastern Region and are “unaffiliated” with a local chapter, but financial with the General Organization, will receive consideration only after the aforementioned group has been exhausted.
To apply for a position follow the instructions on the next page and email your application to the AlphaEast Transition Team, transition [at] alphaeast.com, no later than June 2, 2013. Please review the attached list of positions and in a prioritized order, choose up to 3 positions or areas in which you wish to serve the Eastern Region; we will make every effort to accommodate your desired position.
Thank you in advance for considering these opportunities. It is our hope you will seriously consider becoming a member of the leadership team and help us make a difference for us all. As a reminder, please take time to complete the application and return to the transition team as soon as possible, but no later than the June 2nd deadline. Thank you again for your cooperation.
R. Anthony Mills
27th Eastern Region Vice-President-Elect
Application Process for Regional Positions
Send an e-mail message to the following address:
E-MAIL ADDRESS: transition [at] alphaeast.com
Indicate the following within the text of the email:
- Your name and membership number (or Life Membership number)
- Your chapter, chapter key number, and location where it is seated
- Identify your primary and up to 2 secondary positions of choice in priority order
- An attached professional résumé (references may be requested for some positions)
- Fraternal résumé (with two fraternal references)
- A brief statement about how you would apply your skills to this position or committee.
The information must be received no later than June 2, 2013
Selection and notifications will be communicated by June 18, 2013
Eligibility Criteria for Regional Positions
Financially as defined in Article VII, §1.3 of the By-Laws of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.; specifically, financially active with a chapter within the Eastern Region and the General Organization
US-based Brothers should be able to attend 90% of the scheduled regional staff leadership meetings and regional conventions. International Brothers should at least be able to attend one staff meeting as well as the regional convention.
Can commit to submission of monthly or quarterly reports as designated by the Regional Vice President
Open Eastern Region Positions
Regional Staff
- Historian
- Parliamentarian
- Assistant Parliamentarian
- Legal Counsel
- Director of Education
- Associate Director of Education – Membership Development
- Director of Membership
- Assistant Director of Membership – Membership Development
- Director of Communications
- Assistant Director of Communications
- Associate Director of Communications – IT
- Associate Director of Communications – Web
- Associate Director of Communications – Social Media
- Associate Director of Communications – Editor of the Sphinx/Newsletter
- Associate Director of Communications – Hearing Impaired
- Associate Sgt. at Arms
- Assistant Sgt. at Arms
- Director of Protocol
- Director of College Brother Affairs
- Associate Director of College Brother Affairs
Regional Committees
- Assessment and Evaluation
- Historical
- Internal Auditing (Must be CPA or Accountant)
- Senior Alpha Affairs
- Strategic Planning
- Elections
- Membership, Standards, and Extensions
- Constitution
- Awards and Achievements
- Political Action
- Racial Justice and Public Policy
- Recommendations and Resolutions
- Rules and Credentials
- Military Affairs
- Training and Development
- Coordinator, Go To High School, Go To College
- Coordinator, Project Alpha
- Coordinator, A Voteless People is a Hopeless People
- Coordinator, Brothers Keeper
- Coordinator, Boy Scouts of America
- Coordinator, Big Brothers/Big Sisters
- Coordinator, College Life to Corporate Life
- Coordinator, March for Babies/March of Dimes
- International Brothers Affairs Committee
- Arts and Humanities
William Ross Education Foundation
- Financial Secretary
- Chair, Belford V. Lawson Oratorical Contest
- Chair, Collegiate Scholars Bowl
- Chair, Leadership Development Institute
- Chair, Miss Black & Gold Pageant